It is for Kind information that disciplined trained and smart turned out teams are working in Country Security Services Ltd. Country Security Services Ltd is always at your service. You require any guard for safety of your Mills, Factories Industries, Office Establishment, Residence, Plants, Valuable goods and properties etc. Please, Call Country Security Services Ltd.
a) Must be trained and experienced in the security line.
c) Must have their Previous records verified
d) Mast be able to use fire extinguisher and fight back fire hazard.
e) Country Security Services Ltd. can change the security guard at any time in place of another guard any shift for the greater interest of the client.
f) Must be in uniform authorized by Country Security Services Ltd.
Duties of Country Security Services Ltd.
a) Must be trained and experienced in the security line.
b) Number of Guard shall be placed as in the contract schedule.
c) All incidents, hazardous to security will be reported to the client at the earliest.
d) Any complain shall draw immediate attention to the duty officer of Countr, Security Services Ltd. as soon as possible
e) Guard On duty undergo frequent checking and supervision any time round the clock by the Company Directors, Senior Officer, Security Officer and Security Supervisors I Inspectors
f) And as such, duty shifts may be any eight hour Or general Shift e.g 0600-1400 hours.1400- 2200 hours and 2200-0600 hours.
g) On receiving the information, about the failure of a guard to report on duty a replacement will be immediately deputed by the Country Security Services Ltd.
h) No food accommodation, transport or uniform to be given to the guard by the clients
The Client
a) on signing the contract the client shall pay a sum of money equivalent to one month bill to Country Security Services Ltd This amount shall be counted as the security deposit and to be adjusted on the bill of the last month fo the contract.
b) Any observation about the guards and their duties must be reported to the management of Country Security Services Ltd. at the earliest.
c) Guards will not be granted leave of holidays by the clients. Leave of guards will be considerd by the country Security Services Ltd.
d) Guard should not be asked to work in any place other than mentioned in the contract schedule.
e) Monthly bills must be paid within 5t1 of each
month after receiving the bill.
f) Duty roster for the guard duties will be distributed by the client every month/week and will send a roster copy to Country Security
Scervices Ltd.
g) The client cantt employ Country Security Guard (Which under contract ) without the management permission of Country Sceurity Services Ltd.
The Rates
a) 8 hours duty a day, Should be allowed for a country guard for each month
b) 8 hours duty a day, Should be allowed for a ladies country guard for each month
c) 8 hours duty a day, Should be allowed for a country Supervisor, Inspector for each month
d) 8 hours duty day Should be allowe4 for a cemetry Security offer setvices for each mouth
e) 8 hours duty Special Security Guard(one time)
For any finacial loss of clie by caused Duty
Negligence (Proved by a combined inquiry
team). In such condition, the Country Security
Services Ltd. may bear the liability
The Agreement
It will be renewed annually subject to the mutual agreement of the rates, unless the agreement has been terminated by any party by giving a written notice before 30 days.
Contractor or Construction Works & General Order Suppliers
All kinds of Thai Aluminum, false ceiling. Any painting works & order suppliers.